Friday, December 26, 2008

A bit of art.

Traditional Danish spoon.
My Emileo and I.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas eve fun.

More photos on the 24th- Nearing Christmas eve.
Christmas is celebrated here up north on the evening of the 24, all of the 25th and the 26th.
food food food.
Get some Christmas spirit up ya.

pre meal.

Chocolating candied orange peel.
Was way harder than you think.
Regulate that temperature of the fondue pot.
Woman wearing several dead animals.
And here i am inside cooking vegan food.

Decorating the tree.

The finished product.

Happy snaps with mum.
Put your thumb in my champagne.
Buckling shoes.
Too much beer.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Danish Denmark.

This is what happens when you don't eat meat and the family makes stew.You make Pasta.
24th of December: Morning stroll.



and writing.

Christmas is coming.

It's the night before Christmas and preparations are taking place. Here is what we're doing as our contribution to the danish decorations.Then when we get restless, we do things like this...
Take EXTREME close ups....
And spill wine.

Does that count as a disability?

hahahahah. Go and post a comment on someone's blog. Then there's that security bullshit where you have to verify the word to make sure you're not some kind of hacking machine, if you can't read the word for some reason the symbol for help is a little man in a wheelchair. Is it just me that finds that hysterical? You must be seriously handicapped if you can't post a god damn comment.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My first post in Germany... 3 months late.

Hey readers... i'm sure most of you know i'm in Germany right now. I'm also sure you "readers" i call you, won't even be reading this (does anyone read my blog?). However i feel somewhat neglectful of my poor little blog. I have writers block.... wie immer ner? Ich sollte auf Deutsch schreiben, aber es wird siemlich sheisse und vielleicht ein bisschen falsch, aber das ist egal weil ihr wird das nicht so rightig verstanden. Ich glaube mein Deutsch ist besser geworden... besser als vorher und das ist sehr gut fuer mich. Das bedeutet ich hab hier viel gelernt.... haha scheisse. This is half finished but it's now too late,i don't remember what i was on about. But i'll press post just for the sake of another blog.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


As i've travelled my way around the globe, i've come across some rather amusing signs here and there. Thought i'd share.

At the temple markets in Cambodia.

In London.

You can't really read it, but it's a sign at a train station and somebody has written a little love letter underneath. It translates something like; I wrote "i love you" in the sand, but the water washed it away, i wrote your name on my heart and no one can wash that away.

something along those lines....

Hahaha a sign promoting sun smart ideals in Dublin, IRELAND!!!! The water at that beach is the coldest fucking water I have ever touched. Anyone who dares to swim there deserves to be sunburnt!!

There was also one more sign In London, that i can't find the photo for, but it said "Climbing on the scaffolding will result in beheading"
I found that rather humourous, i wasn't sure which way to interpret it. Either if you climb on the scaffolding you will be punished... i.e Beheaded.
Or if you climb on the scaffolding you might fall and lose your head....
hahahah beats me.

ich habe jetzt...

Zwei Austauschschülerin!
I am going!
Off to see the world again, i can escape from home for a while, wow it's an amazing feeling. This is my dream, my passion and it's finally unfolding. 3 months from now i will be jetsetting my way across oceans and crossing tropics to a new home. Temporary, but it will become home.
As crazy as it sounds, when i imagine being over in Germany for 6 months, i don't imagine being surrounded by people and new friends and busy schedules. I picture myself tucked up in cosy, little coffee shops writing journals and stamping post cards. I imagine myself exploring on my own and discovering new places. I don't want to be tour guided around. To be quite frank, those ideas seem so much more appealing than being overwhelmed by human beings living their lives.

I keep telling people i'll be alone in Germany for 6 months.. that's what i would like. My parents won't be there, but that's not what i think of when i say alone. I think it's my desire to be independant, to prove to people that i really can do it alone. I don't know why i need to go to those lenghts to justify myself, but that's just me. Maybe it's not about proof at all? maybe it's about pride.

man i'm lucky.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Don't even look at the frequency of my blogs tonight.

I was never a big fan of barbie dolls, in fact i used to bury them in the vegie patch and wait for our old, Greek land lord to find them and have a heart attack... When i got older i would burn their hair and melt their faces and throw them into the neighbours yard...

But when i travelled Europe, i came across a toy museum in Prague and there, was i for the first time ever, in absolute awe of a barbie doll.

Have a look, the amount of work gone into these dolls is incredible.

Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn on the right.

My ultimate favourite. Pregnant barbie.

One that even promotes McDonalds!


I'm not liking this feeling of jealousy, of ugliness, of inadequacy. I'm not right, right in my standards. I don't want to look at myself anymore and be drowned in disappointment, in anger, in frustration. i don't want to look at myself anymore. I can't be anyone's idea of perfect if i'm not my own. I can't feel perfect i can't even feel comfortable. I can run forever and still never get there. Not only is there no short cut, but there's no long way at all. there is no path to success, yet i'm still trying. Cynical=me. Disgusting=me. tired=me. confused=me. Disappointed=me.
I can't cry, i'd like to let my tears wash away some of my feelings every now and again, but they won't come. My body can tense and my throat can clench and my mind can whirl and they still won't come, it's like i'm all dried up, like a sad and sorry drought, familiar to our stupid land? home? i love it but i hate it. I love freedom, but i loathe repetition and things that don't change. Things that play over and over again and scenes that remain and the same fucking predictable things happen one more time. What about the things that change too quickly? Those new-age technological super-duper transforming things. The internet? Cars? Music? I wish music never changed, in fact i wish i was me now, in the 70's.

Freedom is one of my values. Tell me your values.
Freedom. It's lovely and it's lucky. i love home.

Frazzled Fried Fucked.

(edited for public viewing purposes =)


With no face.
Somebody with no name.
No identity,
No labels.
Nothing to define.
Beautiful, yet boring.
No aspirations and no life.
You need an identity.
Don't let them paint on you.

Back in February. The 29th, to be exact.

I feel sick though, now kind of, but just all the time. It's lasted almost a week. Guilt or anxiety or longing. I don't know...
It's like butterflies gone wrong, it isn't a good anxious feeling, it's one that makes you want to vomit, one that puts that lump in your throat or that dryness in your mouth, but you can't get rid of it because you can't eat or drink without wanting to spew it all back up again. The that just adds and awful smell. I call that feeling in your gut, with all the side effects.... MOTHS.

A wonderful long weekend.

This weekend was rather satisfying for me. A change of scene for once... no draining homework and hardcore study, purely social. WAS FABULOUS.
Ze girls and i had a wonderful Thursday night. An end of exams celebration.
Courtney my dear, you lurrrrve the cheap and nasty.

Friday Was my princess day, First to NORTHLAND (gross) in a desperate search for a formal dress, then (oh god don't even let me say it....) to chapel street for a SPRAY TAN!!! I know... i know, those of you who know me or have any respect for themselves would be thinking why? Mikaela oh why? So here, let me attempt to justify myself....

1. It was free.

2. It was a chance to get out of the house.

3. I was contemplating one for the formal, given my pasty self and figured it might be a smart plan to make sure i don't turn orange for the night.


In conclusion to that justification, I didn't even mind the tan after all.
Just on a humourous note.... i had to stand there in a g-string and nothing else while a lady sprayed freezing chemicals through a hose attatched to something that looked like a vacuum cleaner, on to my skin. But hey, better than a solarium.

Friday night: Courtney came over, we chilled. I fell asleep, as usual.

Photographic evidence!

Saturday, i saw Michael, we watched movies and ate awesome vegie spring rolls =)
His mum stroked my feet and brought me my fruit for the day. A giant apple, a giant orange and a reasonably large pear.
I ate the Orange on the train ride home, i think i'm allergic to the skin, it burnt my chin!!
Just a bit of advertising. If you're into Indian food, there's a little indian restaurant called Avtar on Burgundy street in Heidelberg.... incredible food, well priced too.
Sunday, worked from 9.00am til 2.00.
A lady came to the deli, she couldn't speak English, all she knew how to say was "eight" and point at the frankfurts, i used my logic. But then once i had given her what she wanted she stood behind the counter holding up a bag of tomatoes and saying something in another language.... I had absolutely no idea what she was saying, so while i was telling her i didn't understand in english she was blabbering on about something in her language, it was rather frustrating. The she gave me the dirtiest look and walked away.
Rude of her, but it didn't stop me from feeling guilty.
After work, went to the city, once again in an urgent search to find a formal dress....
Very disappointing.
Oh well. Something amazing will show up.
I'm done.
Sorry that really wasn't entertaining. I should search my brain a bit more for something emotive.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

maybe i should just buy it.

So there's this really beautiful nail polish, screaming out for me to buy it.
It's only $6 or so, however given the amount of time i've been thinking about this nail polish is really making me wonder whether buying will be a good thing or a bad thing.

I'm fairly sure i'm just over analysing the situation though.
haha. x

Monday, June 9, 2008

It's not even the Queen's birthday.

Monday, fucking public holiday and one more day of procrastination.
i wonder when i will actually start to revise for exams....(starting tomorrow.)

It's kind of unbelievable how much food i have cooked and baked this weekend just to avoid doing homework. Let me just brief you on the shit i have mixed and put in the oven.
Friday night i made a fritata with potato and spinach.... (obviously picking potatoes because they take forever to cook)
Saturday morning. Breakfast consisted of Fruit salad with Yoghurt.... (takes alot longer to chop and peel fruit than pour some milk on some dry grains.)
For lunch i made a potato and cauliflower pie which took epic fucking time to boil and soften those vegies. (it didn't even taste nice.)
Dinner was a roast, that i didn't cook.
T0 be honest, Saturday wasn't too much of a day wasted, however i cooked a banana cake at eleven o'clock that night.
Sunday was pathetic. i didn't cook, but i went out shopping for formal dresses and talked myself into the fact that i was over stressing about exams and that i didn't really have all that much homework to do (but in fact i did.)
Sunday night i went out for dinner. I brought one of my study books with me to read (just in case the oppurtunity came up), But of course i didn't read it.
Then today.... i haven't even tried to pick up a book. I made Pumpkin soup haha and icing for that banana cake.

No doubt, at about 10.00 tonight i'll start working only because i'll be in panic mode and the reality that i have an exam at 9.00 tomorrow morning will hit me.
god damn my brain. It's inevitable though.
It was always going to happen. I don't know why im whinging.

just a boy by Angus and Julia Stone is fabulous- it's one of those songs that just makes you feel.
Or it could just be the mood i'm in.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It was Winter.

Temperature's droppping,
Skin's firming,
Light's dimming,
Body's headed for an overload.
Information's processing
Eye's melting
Teeth rotting
Air's never fresh
Pollution's taking over.
Floor's messy,
Wall's messy
Self's messy.
Over crowded?
Too much room?
Fat's fat,
Skinny's skinny,
Call a spade a spade

You're a virgin.

It's 1.07 am and i'm not tired...

Probably because my sleep last night was a make up for the absolute lack of sleep i've had for the past month or so due to an insanely busy but unfulfilling and boring schedule in which consists of, school, work, homework or School, gym, homework. It's not fun.

Anyway i didn't start this blog to complain, i started to write it because i wanted to show you all this picture. You may have seen it before, but if you haven't beware: IT IS TIME CONSUMING!

I found it ages ago and couldn't figure out the best way to show everyone, so now that i have a blog i can make you all look at it.

It's a photo with 70 or more clues for famous bands or artists hidden in it.

They're everywhere.

Try and see how many you can find. DON'T CHEAT AND GOOGLE IT. I'LL KILL YOU!

It's really not very clear, click on it, it should be better quality in a new window.

I'll give you a clue.
See the two pairs of pink scissors on the road? They're the SCISSOR SISTERS.

now find more!
have fun!

Comment me back with answers.

i'm a copy cat.

Miss Bianca. E ( i won't state her surname incase she has security issues... =)

I'm just going to do a public acknowledgment of your blogs, because i love them, and they have inspired me to do the same. I do hope you don't mind.

Hopefully you're not thinking i'm stealing your originality, but merely carrying out the duties of any decent human being with a thought in their head. Blogs are an amazing idea to express bullshit. per say.

Anyway, this will just be a short one i'm not sure what i'm saying and my brain is definately not cluttered enough at this point to murmur on about anything substantial...

Thanks Bianca, i'm inspired.
