Sunday, December 14, 2008

My first post in Germany... 3 months late.

Hey readers... i'm sure most of you know i'm in Germany right now. I'm also sure you "readers" i call you, won't even be reading this (does anyone read my blog?). However i feel somewhat neglectful of my poor little blog. I have writers block.... wie immer ner? Ich sollte auf Deutsch schreiben, aber es wird siemlich sheisse und vielleicht ein bisschen falsch, aber das ist egal weil ihr wird das nicht so rightig verstanden. Ich glaube mein Deutsch ist besser geworden... besser als vorher und das ist sehr gut fuer mich. Das bedeutet ich hab hier viel gelernt.... haha scheisse. This is half finished but it's now too late,i don't remember what i was on about. But i'll press post just for the sake of another blog.


Samantha said...

i read it :)

Alyssa-Jayne said...

Your German is lovely :)
You're kinda sorta ALMOST as good as me, hahahaha.
I love you, and I also neglected my blog majorly overseas. And I'd originally made mine for Germany haha! P.S. I needed to click a man in a wheelchair to post this.