Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome to the 21st century.

Oh the beauty of being able to talk shit and be understood.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mir ist sooooo langweilig!!!

Mikaela. Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant. says:
im so bored i cant stop applying strawberry lip balm

ScamZ says:

Mikaela. Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant. says:

ScamZ says:
im so bored i keep zoning out and become captivated by the 'tricks' i can do with my lip ring

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hands and feet are good for doing. For being. And eyes... are good at watching.

"Well I'm just people watching the other people watching meand we're all people watchingThe other people watching we"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bitte Lachen.

Please laugh.

What is the big craze about sausage here? Why is it that you can buy 27 million different varieties of 'wurst' and or meat in the supermarkets and why is it so loved? I open my German fridge in my German kitchen and i see packets and packets of cold meats- salami, ham, bacon, liverwurst (3 types) and the list keeps going...

I'd like to know why the German sausage/meat is so famous.

Wurst does not only mean sausage but also stands for the hundreds of different types of processed meat that Germans eat as slices or spread on top of their bread. This kind of Wurst is also called "Aufschnitt". Here are just a few examples of the many varieties of 'Wurst' in Germany.

This type is usually made from veal that is ground very fine and it is spiced with parsley and chives. This type of sausage is scalded and smoked, and usually it is served with a good portion of Bock beer.

This is a very pale sausage and the flavor is quite delicate as well. Usually it is made with veal, or in some cases pork and beef, and it also contains eggs and cream as well. You will find this type of Wurst often served at Oktoberfest along with sweet mustard, rye bread, and some beer to wash it all down.

Mettwurst or Teewurst:
A spread from pork and beef. It has a smoky flavour. Teewurst is fine, Mettwurst coarse.

is very similar to salami. This sausage contains beef, pork, spices, and usually some garlic or mustard as well and it is meant to be sliced. One very popular type of Cervelat is Thüringer.

A spread made from veal and veal liver. Comes in fine and coarse, with onions or without and in many other variations

Knackwurst: No doubt you have heard about the sausages that are served with sauerkraut, and one type of this is Knackwurst. This is a sausage that is plump and short, and usually it needs to be grilled or poached.

Let's get specific:
  • The average person in Germany will consume up to 33 kg of meat in a year
  • There are more than 1500 different types of sausage in Germany

As a vegetarian working in a deli i must say the quality of cold meats (including prepacked) in Australia is far better...

So what exactly is the history of it all? What makes German meat so famous? I mean it can't be the quality... judging by the photo at the top.

Okay so i've been searching and searching all over the internet and can not find any history or reasons as to why the German Wurst is so famous. I'm thinking it's been carried down as a staple food from the war... along with both bread and cheese, meat in Germany was probably seen as a staple food and a diet containing these foods is considered a healthy diet. I also figure many sausages can be pickled or preserved which meant they could be saved.
The whole famousness probably comes from the Oktober Fest celebrations and the whole typical food, clothing bizzo.
I don' t know. If you find anything comment me.

I find it all rather disgusting if you ask me.
That's German meat for you all.
I didn 't mean for it to be this long.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bindi bindi.

So when you go to school in a foreign country for 7 days a week, for over 5 hours a day and you don't exactly understand physics in German (although today i did) then you get to thinking about things that you wouldn't usually have time to think about.... unless you were Sam Ratcliffe!

I've come to the conclusion that i have way too much time on my hands if i am thinking about plans for my wedding. Either that or Sam really is rubbing off on me. (She designed her own outfits for the entire week of Music fest in March and called it 'Bay Fest collections') She's already planned her wedding of course. =)

How would an Indian themed wedding be? So amazingly spiritual and full of colour! The costuming and decoration, the music, dancing and my god... the food!

I've researched a little on Indian weddings, however there seems to be over 20 different varieties of weddings depending on religion and beliefs, so i think i'd take a variety of different traditions and rituals i find interesting and remove the religiousness from it all.... would that be taking the piss out of an Indian wedding?

Here is a ritual i found really amazing: Phoolon Kaa Gehna is an amazing ceremony which is embellished with the fragrance, beauty and innocence of flowers. In this, the girl has to adorn herself with jewellery of flowers. It is not an indispensable feature of the Arya Samaj marriage and not everybody follows this ritual.

I'ma get myself an Indian wedding planner. Who's coming to my wedding? I also read somewhere that the celebrations go for three days long.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Frohes Neues Jahr.

Well looky here... it's now 2009 and for me that doesn't really mean the start of anything new unless i count the resolutions i semi promised myself so that it would actually feel like New Year. Let's not go into detail.

So i knew it was coming up... i mean the whole New Year thing. Another build up after Christmas and all the chit chat about celebrations, but i don't think i totally got the whole NEW YEAR concept so to speak until someone mentioned 2009. That totally rattled me, messed something up inside of me for a few days. It made me sick in my stomach and like a square trying to fit into a round hole- the idea just did not fit in my mind. Had i let my life slip right past me all too fast? Were we all ready to begin another god damn year?

All New Years eve i was trying to get this lump out of my throat, trying to stop myself from crying, trying to be a part of the whole thing, but i found it so hard. I found it so hard because at the back of my mind i was asking myself why i was sitting there, wanting to be alone feeling sorry for myself, asking myself why i was feeling this way, when to be honest there was truly nothing wrong. Life hadn't slipped me by at all. It was so hard because i was happy (in theory) but that disgusting mood inside of me would not budge and every part of me knew that there was no reason to be miserable... Life was great and is great and will be great...
Happy New Year my lovelies. Embrace the new.