Friday, December 26, 2008

A bit of art.

Traditional Danish spoon.
My Emileo and I.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas eve fun.

More photos on the 24th- Nearing Christmas eve.
Christmas is celebrated here up north on the evening of the 24, all of the 25th and the 26th.
food food food.
Get some Christmas spirit up ya.

pre meal.

Chocolating candied orange peel.
Was way harder than you think.
Regulate that temperature of the fondue pot.
Woman wearing several dead animals.
And here i am inside cooking vegan food.

Decorating the tree.

The finished product.

Happy snaps with mum.
Put your thumb in my champagne.
Buckling shoes.
Too much beer.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Danish Denmark.

This is what happens when you don't eat meat and the family makes stew.You make Pasta.
24th of December: Morning stroll.



and writing.

Christmas is coming.

It's the night before Christmas and preparations are taking place. Here is what we're doing as our contribution to the danish decorations.Then when we get restless, we do things like this...
Take EXTREME close ups....
And spill wine.

Does that count as a disability?

hahahahah. Go and post a comment on someone's blog. Then there's that security bullshit where you have to verify the word to make sure you're not some kind of hacking machine, if you can't read the word for some reason the symbol for help is a little man in a wheelchair. Is it just me that finds that hysterical? You must be seriously handicapped if you can't post a god damn comment.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My first post in Germany... 3 months late.

Hey readers... i'm sure most of you know i'm in Germany right now. I'm also sure you "readers" i call you, won't even be reading this (does anyone read my blog?). However i feel somewhat neglectful of my poor little blog. I have writers block.... wie immer ner? Ich sollte auf Deutsch schreiben, aber es wird siemlich sheisse und vielleicht ein bisschen falsch, aber das ist egal weil ihr wird das nicht so rightig verstanden. Ich glaube mein Deutsch ist besser geworden... besser als vorher und das ist sehr gut fuer mich. Das bedeutet ich hab hier viel gelernt.... haha scheisse. This is half finished but it's now too late,i don't remember what i was on about. But i'll press post just for the sake of another blog.